Saturday, January 28, 2012

Don't Even Hesitate!

I can't say I've experienced too many concerts in my lifetime--I could probably count how many I've been to on one hand (sad, I know)--but I've heard some horror stories of people getting seriously injured from the perilous combination of hardcore moshing and crazy fans. Others have had their eardrums burst and/or have lost their voice for days. Insanity! Right?

Fortunately, I woke up on Friday morning after Winter Jam with only two sore arm muscles. No fights. I promise. It was a Christian concert; The Christian Concert: 10 bands for only $10. With music from Sanctus Real and Skillet, Building 429 and Kari Jobe, which were my favorite, I had the time of my life. By the end of the night, my camera informed me that I had exhausted its battery. Rumor has it that's because I spent the majority of the concert holding my camera up to see above the crowd trying to capture the best shot I possibly could of the rockin' stage. Usually I don't trust rumors, but 'tis true. And the winner, stealing the title of Week 4 Photo, is....

52 Week Project 2012 ~ 4/52
There is just something about capturing the splendor of a night like that. I don't think I ever fully could perform such a miracle, but try to imagine for yourselves: the entire Sovereign Center in Reading, PA completely filled, a roaring sea of people, hands outstretched and voices raised, praising the Lord our God, sold out for the King of kings, rejoicing over the Maker of Heaven and Earth. It gives me the slightest taste of the Heaven for which I crave, something like what John described in Revelation 7:9: "...I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands" (ESV). Minus the robes and the palm branches, and replace the throne with a ginormous stage and flashy spot lights...well, you see the picture. 

I love the diversity of the body of Christ and the diversity of worship that emerges as a result. Traditional hymns, contemporary songs, raps, spoken word, etc. In the end, it all goes to the same place. I can't imagine why it wouldn't please God to hear the sound of his children using the gifts and talents they've been given in a creative way to usher glory to his name. After all He created us in his image--imago dei--we serve, worship, and adore a creative God. Amen? 

So the next time you feel like jamming to a new song, dancing for the Lord, or raising your hands in Sunday morning service, don't even hesitate! Maybe if we all stopped denying those "unconventional?" urges and just followed the leading of the Holy Spirit, we'd taste even more of Heaven's sweet delight. 


That's a huge part of what the 2nd annual Imago Dei, the benefit concert on March 24th at Calvary Fellowship Church, is all about. To learn more click on the imago dei link above or take a peek at the statement I wrote up for last year's benefit. This year's proceeds will go to homeless organizations in Chester County. If you're around, come come come!! Don't Even Hesitate! I guarantee you will not regret it. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you were able to push past a fear of going to a concert (one I'm sure I am the source of), and were able to enjoy a night in the presence of your brothers and sisters in Christ. You have a gift and it is wonderful to see you using it for His glory and your reader's pleasure.
    Looking forward to your next post, and the start of a fabulous Spring Semester!!
    Love you like crazy! Mom
