Lyme Info

Because Lyme disease is personal and a great concern of mine, I'd like to share the following with you (an excerpt from a research paper I wrote this fall for school)---

Trapped in a War Zone

        Without even knowing, I had been drafted into a war far greater than anything I could’ve imagined as a senior in high school. Most of my days I spent isolated in bed, surrounded by the darkness of my room, inflicted with unremitting pain and fatigue. Lyme disease, my unknown enemy at the time, invaded my body, desiring to steal all that it possibly could. Looking back almost three years later, I can attest to its nature: cunning, relentless, and destructive.
Unfortunately, my physical battle against the actual disease represents only a fraction of the war at hand. Appropriately coined as the “Lyme Wars” (Johnson and Stricker 8), the heated political controversy between opposing beliefs regarding the medical treatment of Lyme disease has forced its victims to fend for themselves on a battleground rich with pain, confusion and devastation, misunderstanding, ignorance and unbelief. While the intensity of the Lyme Wars today has resulted in the far-too-often misdiagnosis and mistreatment of Lyme disease, its political nature reveals the corruption of our county’s health care system; furthermore, the hostility of this war zone significantly raises the need for physician education and patient self-advocacy.

Click Here to read more of my story along with some of my own research surrounding the Lyme controversy and scandal that I conducted for my First Year Seminar Final paper

"Under Our Skin" is an excellent documentary that explains a lot of the Lyme confusion.
Here's the trailer:

To find out more about Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases go to the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society's website

Other sites that could be helpful: -- from the Dr. Singleton, author of The Lyme Disease Solution (a very informative book)

Have more? Feel free to share your best Lyme resources below!

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