Monday, January 24, 2011

The first step is always the hardest

     First and foremost, I am a child of God, a daughter of the King. I believe that if God brings me to face a particular trial, no matter how difficult and enduring it may be, then He will also bring me through it. Though I'm young at a mere nineteen years of age, I have experienced the pain felt by shattered dreams and the fear of dreaming again. However, I'm beginning to realize that all my dreams are lesser dreams compared to knowing and experiencing God, the maker of the Universe, in a real and personal way. No other dream can provide and sustain the joy that comes from knowing God.
     For the past two years I have suffered greatly from Lyme disease as well as various co-infections, and I am almost four months into treatment right now. It's been a rough two years, and I have a long, hard road ahead of me before I am completely healed. I know, however, how much I've grown as a person through this trial in spite of the suffering, and I eagerly look forward to seeing how God will mold me and grow me each day. My family, friends, and most importantly, my faith in God have encouraged me to keep persevering even when I see little or no hope. My prayer is that all who stumble upon my blog would be enlightened to the depths of their souls and be encouraged to press on when the troubles of life seem insurmountable. My deepest desire is to bring glory to God by being a blessing to others.
     I've heard God tell me multiple times that I ought to start a blog to express and share with others the wonderful work He's doing in my life. I've ignored his voice far too long. After a little push (or, well, threat) from a friend, here I am. I am thankful for this open door, and desire to use my talents and passion for writing for God's Kingdom here. Just like being baptized is a public expression of faith and a spiritual act of obedience, starting this blog is a huge step of faith for me and an act of obedience that I should've taken months ago. So here we go. "I baptize you in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Spirit." Wooo-hooo!!!

1 comment:

  1. (Oh YAY ~ First comment!)

    YOU, my dear, are a blessing.
    Glad you are doing this.
