Saturday, June 30, 2012

Why you buggin??

52 Week Project 2012 ~ Week 25
"Better late than never, heh?" #catchphraseofmylife
Last Saturday night, my boyfriend Pat and I set out on a mission to catch some lightning bugs. With over forty years of combined experience, I must say, we had pretty good success. Trying to get a cool picture of those tiny little critters, however, was a totally different story. I don't know how many pictures I took that night, but this was the only one that turned out. 

That's a lightning bug on Pat's finger, in case you were confused. Looks pretty freaky huh? Let's take a closer look....

Okay...whether you call it a lightning bug or a firefly, it's definitely one creepy looking insect. Let's zoom in one more time...

Wow! I'll bet you'll think twice the next time you want to catch a lightning bug, huh?

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