Friday, May 25, 2012

Bird's Eye View

“Who stands fast? Only the man whose final standard is not his reason, his principles, his conscience, his freedom, or his virtue, but who is ready to sacrifice all this when he is called to obedient and responsible action in faith and in exclusive allegiance to God—the responsible man, who tries to make his whole life an answer to the question and call of God.”
 –Dietrich Bonhoeffer 

This week I’ve sensed a common theme of the need to stand firm in the faith in spite of pressures, fears, and struggles that tempt us to abandon the convictions and beliefs we hold in our hearts. Through my reading of Bonhoeffer's life and my reflections of Christ's example of suffering that he has left for us, I have been faced with the challenge to take God more seriously. Lest the saints cringe to see one’s perseverance in the faith diminish into the looming darkness, one must possess an undeniable responsibility to God’s call, stretching far beyond one’s self and suffering, that makes the muddy trek through hell on earth worth every inch. 

This dove, who has made her nest in the tree next to our porch, inspired me along the lines of this theme of perseverance and resilience, and so I've written her a short poem to conclude my post for this week. Please try to enjoy my attempt at poetry....

52 Week Project 2012 ~ Week 21

Innocent, pure, flawless Dove,
All too often have I underestimated your resilience. 
To my surprise, 
you remain steadfast to your duty: 
protecting your baby dove eggs
 even though blinded by the flashes of my camera and 
frightened by the dangerous blades of Daddy's trimmers. 
You know that I see you, and I know that you see me.
But this I must confess:
You have become the subject of my photo for the week
--I hope that's okay--
Not just for your beauty, though, 
for with you, there lies more beneath your fine feathers.
It is the strong will and dedication with which you respond to your call, 
which bids me to reevaluate my simple judgment on your kind. 
Your resistance to flight in the face of fear has inspired me, 
innocent, pure, flawless Dove,
to try to do the same.

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