Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Tell-Tale Glow

I need you more than anyone darling, 
You know that I have from the start. 

52 Week Project 2012 ~ Week 19
A Special Dedication to My Most Special Mom

When we were young, my sisters and I always used to pick buttercups from the backyard, hold them up under our chins, and find out if we liked butter---a yellow glow would be the tell-tale sign. Of course, we all loved butter. But for whatever reason, who knows why, some days we apparently did not like butter, according to the buttercup test anyways.

Even though this test doesn't reliably determine the truth of the matter when it comes to butter-liking, it does make me think about how much I really do love my Mom. Just like the buttercup test, some days she can look at me and see that I do love her a lot. But other times, for whatever reason, the tell-tale glow just doesn't appear under my chin.

The everyday tests that shorten our fuses, our ropes, our tempers--or whatever you'd like to call them--make for unreliable tests that can't always determine the truth of the matter when it comes to Mommy-loving. However, I don't think that handing our Moms a well-written Hallmark card and a bouquet of flowers with some candy gives us passing grades either. I've always believed that love is an action word. The words "I love you" only possess deep meaning when acts of love, or service, accompany them.

That's what I've learned from my Mom, because acts of service are definitely her main love language. With that in mind, I'd like to publicly state, before whoever reads this blog, that for this Mother's Day, I commit to helping my mom weed her gardens on any morning of her choosing over the next week.


              I will get on my hands and knees to show you this year how much I love and care for you. You will know by the dirt under my fingernails, the pile of weeds in the wheelbarrow, and the open space in your gardens; the bug bites I'll acquire, the girly screams you'll hear upon my encounter of creepy crawlers, and the mere sight of me waking up and doing work in the morning. You just tell me when, but we have to do it together. Okay? Happy Mother's Day Mom! I love you with all my heart. Just look for the glow under my chin, Buttercup. It's true. May you feel honored and blessed on this special day and remember that even on the days when I fail the test, my love for you will never wilt or fade. I love you mom! You're the best!! 

Your dearest & most darling daughter,                  
Elisabeth  :)


Happy Mother's Day to the rest of you Moms out there! May your days be filled with blessings upon blessings. In the midst of the celebration, try not to overlook the blessings in disguise! 

1 comment:

  1. Your Mom moves prayer mountains for you, my dear.
    This post is a lovely tribute to her.
    Mrs. B
